The Baby Jogger City Select offers parents the unique opportunity to customize their stroller into 16 different combinations to suit their family needs, from double- tiered car seats to a bassinet and single seat combo. With a variety of accessory options, the City Select offers premium versatility to suit every family's comfort and needs.
Note: This baby jogger double includes the chassis and 2 seat units. You will need to add the City Select Carrycot if required for newborn children.
Patented Quick Fold Technology
Unique multi functional design
16 possible seating combinations (with double conversion kit)
12 inch forever-air rear and 8 inch quick release wheels with sealed ball bearings
Dual lockable swivel front wheels with suspension
Padded dual facing seat with multi position recline
Adjustable handle height
Multi position hood canopy with peek a boo window
5 point safety harness with shoulder pads and buckle cover
Multi position foot well tilt expands and adds leg support for smaller children
Hand operated parking brake
Large under seat and seat back storage compartment
Secure storage latch